{the unkitchen} Kitchen Remodel Phase 2 – Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes

Last time we checked in the kitchen looked like this. Now here we are, just two weeks later, and I am pretty impressed with how much has happened since then.

First there was the electrical work, plumbing, insulation, and inspections…

Next came the messy sheetrocking process which coated the entire house with a fine film of ground plaster dust. Then, upon returning home from a weekend away… wood floors are in! And everything is primed! Wow!

Despite best intentions, the temporary “kitchen” is getting dirtier, dustier, messier, more trash-filled, and less appealing, so I haven’t done anything in there beyond make coffee. Luckily friends and family have been making us dinner, and we live in a good restaurant city, so the suffering is mild thus far.

Stay tuned!

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1 Response

  1. September 29, 2010

    […] Kitchen Remodel Phase 2: Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes […]