{surprise} Finding Ben Eine’s Alphabet in London

One early morning in London I happened to walk up Middlesex Street, when I came across a bunch of letters painted on the closed up shops. It was such a nice surprise on a dreary day. I looked into it and learned it was the handiwork of street artist Ben Eine….

You know, Ben Eine. I’ll spell it out for you:

I didn’t have my camera so I returned the next afternoon. The letters were gone! Of course, they only appear when the shops are closed and the shutters are down. A third pass the next morning and I was back to feeling zen.

I was so excited to find my a kandy-kolored k! Even if it looks krooked next to those klothes.

Surprises like these are one of the reasons I love to travel… they make me feel incredibly

I made you a map in case you want to find them yourself.

{If you still can’t get enough, or you don’t wake up early enough to see the shutters down, his works adorn Graphic Bar in Soho as well.}

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