{move over, strawberries} Raspberry Rhubarb Pie

What do you do when you have the first crop of Spring rhubarb and some frozen raspberries? Why, you make this Raspberry Rhubarb Pie, of course. I will admit I hadn’t previously thought of combining raspberries with rhubarb–usually opting for the classic strawberry +rhubarb combination in baked goods. I used a recipe from Martha Stewart’s sister-in-law. I had a feeling it would be good, because you’d have to be pretty damn confident to bring a homemade pie of any kind to Ms. Stewart’s house.

You might notice my lattice is large, imperfect, and completely caddywompus. I did it like that on purpose because I feel it gives the pie a more rustic feel. Psyche! What happened is that I greatly struggled with this crust because I decided to make this pie on a day that was a) unseasonably warm and b) full of hormonal emotions for me (for some inexplicable reason that I have still not figured out.) Of course, because I never learn, I also didn’t measure the dough ingredients carefully so my dough was also really sticky. By the time I was putting the last lattice on, I was just so done with the whole process. A lot of swearing was going on in the kitchen that day.

Thankfully, a scoop of ice cream and a slice of this pie proved to be the best medicine. I don’t like to give unsolicited relationship advice, but I think strawberries and rhubarbs should just break up already, so rhubarb can start going out with raspberries more.

Here’s the recipe. Good luck with your lattice. And your hormones.

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2 Responses

  1. Dana says:

    I’m used to seeing strawberry and rhubarb, but raspberry and rhubarb sounds delightful!